Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Mall madness

Tuesday was a lazy day for the most part. I played around on the computer, installing new games and such. I also managed to finally get the right sound driver installed! Woohoooo! It only took 4 different files to get the right one. lol Figures now that things are hunkydory on this computer...I start thinking about getting a new one. I'd love it if I didn't have to share. MINE! MINE! MINE!

Around 4 we finally got out the door to head to the mall. We were curious whether they had some decent sales. I managed to buy a few things are various stores, not spending too much at any. It sure does add up though. We hit the grocery store on the way home. Even though I spent a good chunk of money I didn't buy a week's worth of groceries. Most of it was for this long weekend. We always like to have an at home day on New Years with lots of snacks. On the way home I realized that Tom is on call this weekend. So much for the family day at home thought. Maybe we'll luck out and it'll be a quiet sewer day. lol

Liz, Carrie and Eileen came home last night and brought 2 of my neices with them. The oldest niece (14yo) LOVES Danielle, so my snuggle time has been cut drastically. Guess I should take advantage of it and get some work around here done....naaaaaa.
I sure do wish the clean laundry fairy would make a visit. The Mount Washmore troll has definitely been here! Our septic tank started backing up/slowing down on Christmas Eve so I haven't done too much of it in a while. Not to mention I was behind to begin with.

With New Years being around the corner I've started thinking about resolutions. I don't normally make resolutions but this year is a bit different. I don't see them as resolutions so much as affirmations of what I've already started to accomplish in my life. Also to move mom up on the taking care of scale. Seems she's usually last. (except when pg then she's first!)

The mob is asking for breakfast...onto a pancake making marathon.

Monday, December 26, 2005

It finally happened....

We finally had a Christmas where my head never hit a pillow. In the past I've always managed at least one or two hours of sleep. I was SO far behind that I considered not going over to BIL's house when the rest of the family went. I just couldn't do it though.

We had a great time at BIL's house. I had 49 "kids" to buy for. I say kids loosely as some of our neices and nephews are over 18 and have kids/stepkids of their own. I managed to find a present for everyone, the kids wrapped them Saturday morning. I figure we brought over 60 presents. As usual there was tons of food, drinks and good times. The kids always enjoy getting together and just hanging out. It rarely happens nowadays.

We got home from BIL's between 11:30 and midnight. By the time the kids were in their rooms and I nursed Danielle to sleep it was after 1. I knew I was running low on paper so had to wrap everything that was going to my parents first. (figured I had enough wrapped for under the tree that newspaper wrapped presents wouldn't be so noticeable under there). It was after 3 when I finished wrapping them.

Now I could start on the pile for the morning. Danielle woke up and Tom snuggled with her and eventually took her into bed with him. I had bought a bunch of glittery lingerie boxes at the dollar store so took advantage of them. All the clothes I was giving were put in that and taped wrapping needed. I think I'd STILL be wrapping if I had to wrap those too ;o) Sometime around 4ish I heard someone up and went to investigate. It was Jake...throwing up! He had the illness I had on Tues and Wed. UGH! At least he made the toilet and was easy to help and get settled back into bed.

We always tell the kids the earliest they can get up. Usually it's 6am or 7am. This year we compromised and made it 6:30. I finally got as much wrapped as I needed to (there were a few odds and ends I could've wrapped but didn't) at 6! I still had stockings to fill and had to get the presents under the tree. As I started hauling out things I'd wrapped earlier in the week out of our bedroom, Tom woke up and helped. There was no time for organizing things and making sure their main present was in the back...saving it for last. I just threw them under the tree. The pile was HUGE! I realized part of it was that I put everyone's clothes into boxes this year. Usually I just roll everything into a ball and then wrap. Part of it was that I'd hit a great sale at the outlet mall (things for $.94 - $2.94) so bought a good amount of clothes. Just as we were making the pot of coffee....6:30 hit and we heard tons of feet...ok...only 22...coming down the hall. (Allison spent the night so she could experience a "real" Christmas, according to Drew)

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Things were feverishly unwrapped for almost 2hrs! I thought I did pretty well until I heard Jake in the bathroom crying. He was upset because he wanted a game for his Gameboy and got a bike (Luke had gotten a game for his big thing). I felt bad and told him he could take the bike back and get one if he wanted to. I knew he wasn't feeling well and was tired so didn't take offense to his being unappreciative. I also knew that he was getting a game from my mom in a few hours. :o) The bike stays.

I managed to take a 2 or 3 hour nap after opening presents so was good to go for the rest of the day. This left me with no time to make my pasta salad. Luckily it would've been extra for our meals so wasn't missed. We left for my parent's house about 1:30. Just a little past the 1:00 I'd hoped to leave by. We had another nice time with family....everyone behaved. lol I warned everyone that Jake was sick and to keep away from him. He mostly drank soda all day. He started with a little food near the end of the night. I hope no one else gets it. I got the one present I always was jealous of everyone else getting. A MASSAGE!!!! I've never had one. My dad let me know which of the ladies there is great giving a deep massage. YEAH! No one around here can seem to get hard/deep enough for my liking. I hope it helps, since my lower back has been killing me for a few weeks now.

My sister took Liz, Carrie and Eileen home with her. I was a bit nervous about it. Not because of Carrie's sister was on insulin during a few of her pregnancies. It's because last time this happened after Christmas, Carrie was brought home early. She had meningitis and ended up in the hospital for 3wks. Tom and I stayed for a bit longer after everyone else left. The day ended with me the recliner checking emails (I LOVE my new wireless keyboard) at midnight and falling asleep in the middle of reading.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


I feel like I'm back. I bought a new keyboard last night and can now type stressfree. Before, I had to hope that the old one didn't cause the computer to freeze up. Or die and make me have to use the onscreen keyboard which is VERY tedious to use. I've put everyone on alert. If ONE drop of liquid comes near my computer desk they are in trouble. I'm excluded of course. ;o)

I THINK I'm done shopping for Christmas. This morning I did remember I forgot to buy hot sauce for the chicken wings I'm bringing to BILs tonight. The good thing...Tom can run up to the village and buy it. Granted it'll cost 2 or 3 times what I'd have paid if I remembered it in the grocery store last night...but oh well.

I really didn't care to be out shopping last night. I'd hoped to be done and spend the night wrapping. Unfortunately money doesn't fall from the sky and I haven't been successful in growing my money tree. So I had to wait until yesterday for the money to arrive. I'm hoping to finish the wrapping (although I'm not optimistic) before we head over to BIL's house this afternoon. The kids will wrap stuff for BIL's house while I do their gifts for tomorrow. I'll probably wrap for my parent's house tomorrow morning after we open presents. LOL

My mall trip was unsettled a bit when I ran across a group of people I didn't want to. It left me a bit shaken and saddened. It's a great reminder that one stupid decision can really mess up things for a long time. Also that our actions do NOT only affect us, but many many people. Even more then we probably realize.

While shopping I really had to fight the urge not to buy ONE MORE thing for so and so. I am often labled the fairness queen and it plagues me this time of year. I'm so afraid someone is going to be offended because I didn't buy as many or spend as much as someone else. This is made more difficult with the huge age span of my kids. It's so easy to buy a lot of "cheap" things for the littler kids. The big ones it's easy to spend the $$ but not get a lot. I think Luke and Jake were the ones that got a bit shorted. Mostly because the girls have some clearance sale clothes I've put away. WHY are there never any decent boy's clothes on clearance?

So today's plan is....

Clean up the house a bit
hold my baby
Do laundry we need for tonight and tomorrow
feed my baby
Wrap presents
pass someone my baby
Make food for tonight
ask someone to PLEASE get the baby
Get everyone ready
dress the baby is some really cute clothes
Go to BILs
show off my baby

Come home and...

Finish wrapping
try to get baby to sleep
Put out presents
juggle baby
Fill stockings
pass off baby to Tom
Maybe get a few hours sleep
snuggle with my baby


So as you can see I really shouldn't be sitting here. Need to go wake the work crew. I hope that everyone has a happy and safe holiday!!! May all your wishes come true.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Visiting an old friend

It's been a loooong time since I could come here and play. I've missed it. Between my computer not cooperating and some personal things happening here... *heavy sigh* Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers the next few months. We're looking at a rough time.

Danielle is getting bigger and cuter by the second. I can't find any batteries for my camera so can't post a picture of her yet. I'm hoping to get one SOON (new famiy one too). She had a stomach bug last week and learned she could screech. She'd start and the other kids would say...Mom! Make her stop! I let them know that she'd spoiled them until now. She's continued to use her screech for everything...happy, sad, mad, attention getting. She's turned into quite the chatterbox.

She's starting to use her hands more but her thumb is still stuck inside her fist. She'll definitely be a thumbsucker once it pops out and is easy to get to. She surprised me the other day. I put her in her swing and stuck it infront of the Christmas tree (wasn't swinging). Next thing I know I hear her laughing and laughing. She was using her foot to kick an ornament and thought it was hilarious. I didn't realize she even knew she had feet, much less knew how to control them.

Carrie is doing well diabetes wise. She's been on Glucophage for about 3wks now and her numbers have dropped like a rock! YEAAAAAAAAAAA! She's still taking insulin premeals and for corrections (when her number skyrockets) Her morning numbers were great last week but have gone back up this week. I guess we'll have something to discuss on Monday when we go to the JC for her next appointment.

You may notice that my weight ticker hasn't moved since I put it up. That's because my weight hasn't moved! I'm stuck at the 191/190 mark. I guess I should be glad it's not going up but it sure would be nice to see it going down. I don't think I've posted about a new messageboard I'm moding now. It's geared for those of us who are trying to lose weight and live healthier along with taking care of lots of kids.

Weight Loss and Healthy Living

Things are happening here whether we're ready for it or not. Still have lots to do before Christmas Eve night (when we celebrate with Tom's family). Today has a few birthday parties the kids are attending in our plans. I have to get ready for a Christmas feast at church tomorrow. Then it's shopping, baking and wrapping...which I haven't done a stitch of yet. At least our Christmas tree is up and waiting. I'm not freaking out yet, but give me time. LOL