Sunday, November 09, 2008

What's been going on

Oops, it's been a few days since I've been here. Between the nice weather, my dentist appointment and grocery shopping things have been busy. It doesn't help that I'm pretty sure I'm dealing with mastitis. On Friday afternoon I was feeling a bit sore and thought I was getting engorged. Della and I had taken the little kids out shopping most of the day (with my niece as a BIG help!) so I hadn't nursed Sean since early morning...made sense. I have no idea why but I was EXHAUSTED on Fri night. I took Danielle and Sean into bed at 7:30 and we promptly fell asleep. My stupid body would only let me sleep until 3:30 the next morning though so I was up way too early. Running around after dropping Michelle off I noticed that my nursing side (yes, I only nurse Sean on the left side) was a tad sore and I was feeling a little icky. This morning there is no doubt...I feel like garbage! There's no getting near my left side, my glands under my jaw are tender and I'm chilled at times so figure I'm flirting with a low grade fever. Luckily I don't feel exhausted like I have before and can get through this. Life still has to go on. Tom is on call so can't leave the area, that means that I have to run Michelle even though I'd prefer to cuddle under a blanket. If I can just get Sean to not crawl all over me and cause me to jump through the roof...I'd be ok. I feel bad for warding him off but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.

I've spent an obscene amount of money on groceries the last few days. You can see just how much here. (hmmm, just realized I don't have a link to my food blog up above anymore...I'll have to try to fix that later). Thing is my cupboards, pantry and refrigerator/freezer were getting pretty bare, so I had to do a bit of stocking up. The good thing is that I shouldn't have to shop for too much for the next few weeks. I'm feeling a little low in the veggie department though but that's a common feeling, so we'll see.

Yesterday was a good day in the chicken coop! We had 3 brown eggs in the nesting box yesterday morning, a green egg was in there later in the day. FOUR eggs in one day...never happened before. Thing is I don't know if a few girls just started laying or if it was because I didn't let them out until almost 11AM and they couldn't lay around the yard. (haven't found evidence of anything in the hedgerow yet) I'll guess we'll see what the next few days bring. If I drop back down to 2 eggs a day again I may have to confine them to the yard all the time, maybe even the coop for a few days. On a not so great note though, I think there was one less chicken last night. I only counted 41 before closing them up for the night. It was too dark to try and see if I could find the missing hen. Hopefully she's ok and will be back tonight.

Here's a shot of all the eggs we collected for a week. The white egg in the middle is store bought and was added for comparison purposes.

Yay! Michelle got a ride to work this morning, I don't have to drive her (but have to pick her up). I have to go quiet the kids. Tom's trying to take a nap. He got called out twice since midnight and only got a few hours a sleep. Not good for someone who likes their sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! I don't know if you've ever heard of the cabbage remedy for mastitis but I have tried it and it works! Just buy a big ol' head of cabbage and tear off a big leaf and put it on your breast under your bra. Something about it must draw out the poison or whatever. It might take a couple of days...just change the leaf every few hours. The look I got on one of my babies faces when they went to nurse and saw that cabbage leaf was priceless! Just thought I'd let you know. I hope you feel better and let me know if it works for you! ~~Pam