Me? Well I'm going on a wonderful adventure with my son and his wife...we're going to go have a baby! Or at least attempt to have one, hopefully the baby decides it's a good time to make an appearance. Tom is taking a half day today so he can pick up the kids from school and take Michelle to work (her last week at her old job). I'm going to pickup Allison and take her to her 3:00 doctor's appointment. If everything continues as planned we're scheduled to be at the hospital at 6 to start an induction. Drew is working all day and will meet us at the hospital when he gets out.
I'm figuring we're in for a loooong night/day tomorrow...but with babies, you never know. It's weird to be on this end of the trip. Usually I've packed and planned and fretted for weeks. This time I'm sitting her fairly calm, thinking I should probably bring some snacks or a book and knowing my kids are taken care of (Tom's taking all day tomorrow off). Right now it feels like any ordinary day. Not a life changing one. EEEE! I can't wait!
This weekend was nice, even if it was wet since we had a lot of thunderstorms. Since the early morning hours on Friday I was waking up...wondering what time it was. Then I'd remind myself that the kids didn't have summer school and Michelle didn't have work. After the 4th time I finally convinced myself that I didn't have to go anywhere. When I marveled that I'd have 2 whole days that I could stay home and not go anywhere I remembered....I had to be at Val's school at 1:30 so she could practice her leg waxing skills on me! UGH! Michelle watched Sean and Danielle at Kmart while I went in and had my legs done...a little stingy but not too bad...took over an hour though. Then I took the kids and Michelle went in and had her arms and eyebrows done. I took the kids to my parents' house since it was across the street. I spent most of the night visiting and working on my parents' computer...getting home about 11. So much for staying home.
Saturday was really hot and muggy but that was ok because it was....Seanie's Birthday!!!! My little man is, as he describes it, FREE! now.
All the kids dropped by throughout the day. That meant Sean got lots of little presents all day...perfect for a 3yo! I had gotten a chocolate cake a few days earlier which Sean seemed to enjoy (we usually don't do chocolate).
The 3 younger girls ended up leaving so it was only Tom, Sean and myself. It was fun to be able to give him our full attention for a while.
Eventually Allison and Drew came by and hung out with us until it was time for Sean to go to bed.
For the last week or so I've been heard saying...Someone needs to give this stinky dog a bath. With the Sunday meeting being canceled at church, someone finally decided to actually do it. That someone was ME! (who else did you expect?) He HATES getting a bath and it's always a ton of fun to do it. Luckily he loves being brushed. I brushed him for hours and he looks so nice right now! Michelle worked early Sunday so we had time to go to Aldi's after she got out (it's usually closed by the time she's out of work). I spent over $150 there which is a LOT of food. I stocked up on some canned goods...kidney beans, pork and beans, green beans, peas, corn, spinach, tuna and tomato soup. With Tom not putting a garden in this year, it's nice to have a small supply of veggies readily available. Although I'm missing eating tomato sandwiches until they're coming out of my ears.
Well, I should do something else besides laundry and pack before I leave for Allison and Drew's. I'll leave you with a funny video we took of Sean in June. He's driving the kiddie bumper cars at Darien Lake. As far as he's concerned he was doing well and having a blast!
Next time I post here...I should be a GRANDMA!!! (and hopefully have lots of pictures to share).
I love the video...Jon also liked seeing himself in it, he handled that car with some skill. Sean seemed to think going in circles was just fine! Tell him Aunt Della will have presents for him at summer conference, he is such a sweetie. I am jealous of the waxed legs....AND the grand baby!!I am praying for them....
Ooohhh!!! How exciting! Good luck to Allison, and Congrats to Drew, Allison, and you! You'll have to post on how it felt to be the one NOT in pain this time! LOL
How exciting. Prayers for all of you tonight! Tad bit jealous as I sit here stewing myself, ready at any time.
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