Thursday, July 26, 2007


Sean Robert
July 24, 2007
7lbs 14oz.

I was admitted on(the 23rd) Monday morning at 7:15. Dr B came in, examined me and tried to break my water but he couldn't do it. After the exam he came into the room wheeling in the sono machine. I said...oh don't tell me! He said I'm not saying anything until I'm positive. The u/s showed that the baby's head was to the right of midline, same as it was 2 wks ago. Dr B assured me that he was floating high and most likely would move into place as labor progressed. I was hooked up to the pit by 8am. The contractions started coming quickly shortly after 10. They weren't uncomfortable but there and were every 3-4mins apart. By 2pm they were every minute or so but hadn't increased in length. I sat in a high back chair most of the day talking and watching tv with Tom. After office hours Dr B came back in and examined me and said I was about 2cm. He then had them order me a dinner tray with instructions to turn the pit off at 10pm. I'd be allowed to rest for the night and we'd restart in the morning. As soon as the pit was turned off my contractions stopped. Tom went home for the night so he could get some sleep in a bed instead of a chair. I had a decent night's sleep.

Dr B came bright and early (7am) Tuesday morning (the 24th). He couldn't break my water on that attempt either. The pit was restarted and the contractions started up immediately and were a few minutes apart. Tom came in shortly after 8. I could start to feel the contractions in my hips so decided to stand. About 11:15 I thought I had peed down my leg. It took a bit of time before I realized it was too much for that and my water had a slow leak. Dr B had preformed a c-section in the morning and came in to check me again about noon. I was 4cm which meant I could then be moved the birthing center with the nice rooms! YEAH!

They got eveything set up at the birthing center and I used the birthing ball. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I loved it and stayed there for the rest of the day. I was checked at 2pm and was found to be 7cm. This was so different! I usually flew from 4cm to transition within an hour. I was loving this gradual progression. The contractions were never anything unbearable and I didn't have too much of the dreaded hip pressure/pain that I usually do. About 4pm I reported that I was starting to feel pressure when the contractions hit. I was also starting to feel nauseated so asked for some Stadol which helped a lot and I enjoyed. I also mentioned the pressure didn't stay for the whole contraction. Dr B was moving between me and a 17yo girl who was getting ready to push. (luckily we were next door to each other) He examined me, found me to be 9 almost 10cm and again brought out the sono machine. The baby hadn't moved since the last time he checked. His shoulder was presenting, head was to the right up against the other shoulder, spine along my left arm, buttocks straight up at my sternum. He reexamined me and tried to manipulate the shoulder out of the way and it wouldn't move. (I was SO thankful for the Stadol at this point)

The options were laid out...

A) Baby moves on his own and we delivery vaginally
B) Dr manipulates the baby into the proper position and we deliver vaginally
C) We do a c-section.

(warning may be a bit too graphic for some)

I told him after that last manipulation I'm starting to think option C might be a bit better then option B! He had me assume the knee chest position for a while to see if we could get the baby to drop out of the pelvis and move. They couldn't find the heartbeat with me in that position so after a while they needed to get a strip of the baby's heartrate during contractions. Dr B came in and examined me, found nothing changed. He tried to sweep the shoulder out again and it didn't work. Then told me...assume the cow position (buttocks up, chest to bed). A little too late I realized he was going for a full manipulation. He had his whole hand in and was trying to move the shoulder out and head into place. It wasn't working and I was screaming and crying. (Stadol had worn off) Tom said the Nurse Practitioner Student looked like she might be about to pass out at this point. Dr B declared it wasn't working and we were going for option was 5:30pm. They stopped the pit and the contractions stopped immediately.

By 7pm the assisting dr and anesthesiologist arrived and I was prepped for the OR. Tom mentioned a tubal ligation. We've had an "agreement" since Olivia (#10's) birth that if I required a c-section that would be our clue that we should be done having children and I would get my tubes tied during the section. Dr B said he normally wouldn't allow a woman in labor to make this type of decision but my circumstances were different (he also knew we had the agreement in other pregnancies). I told Tom I was ok with the decision but he had to realize that that may not always be the case. I'm the type of person that would never feel done having babies, even after menopause hit me full force. That he'd have to be understanding when those times came. So at 7:30pm with Tom sitting next to my head, our 12th and final baby was born.

Here's the newest family picture....

Monday, July 23, 2007

In 5 hours I will be on my way

to the hospital to have this little guy!!!

I spent 3hrs at the laundromat last night so at least everyone has clean clothes for a while. The house isn't in the best shape but I'm ignoring it. It's a safe guess that they'll make sure things are presentable when I come home. I managed to set up the baby's things (carseat, bed...that I probably won't even use lol, and playpen/dome. Baby's things are packed and ready for me to throw into a bag.

My cell phone decided it wanted to die this week so I needed a new one. Tom and I just got back from a run to Walmart...the most dreaded place on earth as far as he's concerned. Nevermind I got a lot of goodies for him to enjoy while I'm sucking on ice chips. Yeah right.

I have most of my things packed, although it's not a lot. I'll wear something there, use their gowns while admitted and my going home outfit is what I wore there. I thought I'd get something to distract Tom and I while we wait, and wait, and wait. It didn't happen. Guess we'll have to talk to each other(oh the horrors!) or watch tv.

I had a great day with my mom, sister and aunts at the play (saw Menopause, the musical). My parents and I went to the chinese buffet afterwards.

Hopefully Tom and I aren't too exhausted now to enjoy a bit of couple time. Liz and Carrie went and took Danielle out of our room before we got home from the store.

Danielle has been a true "soon to lose baby of the family status" kid with lots of lap and cuddle time requests. I'm loving it of course, nothing like being smothered in toddler kisses and hugs. Everyone is excited and keeps mentioning it at random. It's not far from my mind even if no one mentions it. Sitting at dinner I had to apologize for suddenly reciting my todo list aloud. It was quite obvious I was distracted. I'm excited, nervous and tired. Of course staying up until 4am watching birth videos last night isn't helping. *blush*

Part of me still can't believe I'm going to try to have a baby tomorrow!!! I was feeling a bit off today with a backache and achiness that MIGHT'VE been tiny contrax. Guess we'll see if things have changed when I get examined tomorrow morning.

I'll try to call Catherine/mabear later in the evening to update her (or after the baby is born....whichever comes first).

Here's my last belly shot. (38w3d) It's sad to think I'm gonna lose my special little surprise. (I'm so greedy, I don't want to share!)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The plan is a go....

My OB appt went well on Thursday although it was loooong. I was hooked up to the monitor for almost an hour. Not because things weren't going well. A woman came into the office in labor (water broke) and they were taking care of her. Both my blood pressure and sugar are creeping up a bit but we're not doing anything about it. I'm only a fingertip dialated, baby is floating (not news...usually am until labor is established) and baby is head down (yeah!) I'm due at the hospital at 7am on Monday for induction. I'm planning on another 2 day induction. Although I hope I'm wrong and it only takes a few hours. lol

The trip to the casino on Thurs was fun. I lost some money quickly and tried to pace myself. My dad had a good run on the roulette table and threw some money my way. :o) Always fun to play with other's money. They have a reward program there were you can use points for dollars at any restaurant or shop at the resort. We had enough for all of us to eat whatever and however much we wanted for "free". So the 5 of us went to dinner. I'd been wanting fried haddock so ordered the seafood platter. The haddock wasn't the best but everything else was delicious! There was so much food that I couldn't finish everything. After dinner we headed back onto to the floor for about another hour.

I pulled into the driveway around 10pm. Tom was already in bed asleep. Liz, Carrie and I gathered a bunch of laundry and headed to the laundromat shortly after 11. It seemed to go easily and we were home shortly after 2. I tried to get online and update here but mid posting on LOK we lost power which lasted until about 6am. Luckily we didn't oversleep and Luke had plenty of time to get up pack, eat and wait for his ride to camping. I hope they're having a good time. I also hope those boys remember their bear etiquette! My mom told me that the park they're at usually has bears roaming midday through the campgrounds.

Friday we spent a few hours at my parents' house visiting with my cousin and her family. The kids had a blast and as usual, my cousin and I started crying when saying good bye. It was her fault, she started snuffling first! ;o) We ran home, the girls and I changed into more festive clothes and we headed over to church. The older youth girls threw a dinner party for the moms and daughters to age 5. They made a DELICIOUS dinner of steak, roasted potatoes with onions and red peppers, broccoli with cheese sauce and garlic bread. It was a great night with lots of fellowship. We all went home around 11pm.

While today hasn't been as productive as I'd hoped it would be (it never is). We have managed to get a LOT done around here. Both Danielle's and the baby's clothes are put away in a dresser. I've set up the bed, carseat and FP sleep and play dome which I'll need later in the week at church...especially for the bug net part of it.

I have laundry going that'll need a trip to the laundromat to get dried. I'll also bring the rest of the laundry and catch up tonight. My cell phone isn't working right. It won't stay on so I have to go to Walmart and buy a replacement. I'd rather have my own phone at the hospital then to have to rely on. Plus it has all my phone numbers in it. :o) I guess I'll hit the store on the way home from the play on Sunday.

Everyone is getting really excited about the baby coming. Danielle is even joining in. The first thing this morning she spent lots of time hugging, kissing and blowing raspberries on my belly. She then went through the bedroom pointing out what was her's and what was the baby's. She's been wanting me to pay attention to her a lot today. (I've noticed that happens with the youngest just before the new baby arrives.) After we set up the dome she was looking in it yelling NIGHT NIGHT BABY!....NIGHT NIGHT! It proves I'm going to have to watch her like a hawk around this little guy.

Time to switch laundry and think about dinner. I'm sure I'll probably post at least one more time before I leave for the hospital. I'm hoping to have a last belly shot too.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

There's no place like home

Now if I could only find a bit of time there, I might have a chance to get ready to have this baby. I spent Monday home but didn't feel so great, so nothing was accomplished. The baby was rolling and moving a LOT making me really sore. My hips were also killing me making walking difficult. For the first time I had started feeling like delivering this baby might be the best option. The feeling has gone away now though. lol

Tuesday we were suppose to go to baseball game for free. Without our van available (dealing with some DMV red tape) I spent most of my waking time trying to figure out driving arrangements and who was going. Our plans proved to be too difficult and were cancelled at the last minute. Lots of disappointed kids. I ended up taking a few kids into my mom's anyways. I also took the baby's clothes in and washed them while I was he now has clean clothes! One thing to scratch off my list. :o)

Wednesday I'd planned on tackling the house and getting off the list. As usual plans changed almost as soon as I got out of bed. Tom called and let me know that he was buying the car he'd planned on. He was taking a half day and we were heading into the city to register and pick it up. We were quite a bit aways from home when Tom realized he left the new car keys in his work truck at home, and it was locked. We were on the Thruway and couldn't turn around to get them. By the time we had the opportunity to do it we'd had other plans. Tom dropped me off at the DMV and went back home to get the keys. It was a good thing we went with plan B because as usual nothing was easy. My insurance card had the wrong VIN number on it and I had to have the insurance co fax the DMV a different one. I finished JUST before Tom got back with the keys...almost 2hrs later. We'd never have gotten the car registered, picked it up and got back home beore Pat needed us to (had to have the tercel to go to work). As it is I stayed in and visited my mom and my cousin (men were off golfing)

This isn't MY car specifically, but it's what mine looks like. It's a 1990 black Volvo wagon....

The ride is SMOOTH!

Today I have my 38wk dr appt at 10:30. I'm a bit nervous and don't seem to have any clean underthings, so will have to stop at the store on the way in. *blush* We'll talk about me being admitted on Monday! I'm kind of hoping that we might get to take a peek at his little one. It would be nice to know approx weight and what position he's in, especially after Monday's rolling around. After my appt I'm headed back into my mom's and a few of us are headed to the casino for the day. Tom says to consider this my vacation. LOL

I'm feeling a bit guilty for being gone so much. Climbing into bed last night I realized that Luke needs to have everything packed for a camping trip tomorrow morning! Of course he has to be in the EARLY group that's leaving around 9am, instead of the afternoon one. lol The poor kid doesn't even have any clean clothes. I'm not even positive what he has to bring besides his clothes. I should email M and see what he says.

I've already made plans for some of the kids to take a ride into my mom's tomorrow to have a last visit with my cousin and her kids. They aren't leaving until Saturday afternoon but I HAVE to stay home that day and get something done!! It's the only day free until Monday since I have the play on Sunday. (have to be back in the city by 2:30 Sunday)

I can't believe that I'm DAYS away from having this baby! It seems like summer vacation just started. Now I feel like it's almost done. If it wasn't for the new baby coming I'd be slightly depressed about July being almost over.

Edited to laundry situation isn't THAT desperate. After 2 kids looked and informed me there were none of my underclothes in the basket of whites. I forced myself down the cellar stairs and looked for myself. Found a few pairs. I couldn't figure out how I could be out of them already! lol So no need to stop at the store on the way into the dr's this morning...PHEW!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

She's getting SO big....

Danielle seems to be getting bigger by the second. Having a new baby in the house will make her seem even older yet. I haven't shared any pics of her lately so I decided I'd do it tonight. (had to steal them from Liz) I didn't update when I said I would

But I have an excuse....I haven't been home. No I didn't have my baby or have to go to the hospital. My cousin is up from Florida with her family. They are staying with my parents so I've been in there during my spare time. Most nights well past 2am. I'm exhausted.

My appt went well on Thursday and we now have a date set for my induction. Dr B said he'd let me go to 39wks BUT he used my sono EDD of 7/29 instead of my original one of 8/2. So technically he's allowing me to go until 38.5wks. I'll go to my last office visit this Thursday and then be admitted to the hospital on Monday the 23rd.

This date makes my mom happy since I can now go to see Menopause with her, my sister and my aunts. It's got my kids a little nervous. They're afraid they are going to miss the annual summer conference/family week over at church which starts on the 26th. I told them not to worry...I'll be admitted on Mon (23rd), have the baby on Tues, get discharged on Wed and we'll be at the conference on Thurs. Now if the baby and my body will only cooperate. ;o)

Friday I took Carrie and Liz into visit my cousin with me. We ended up heading out to the casino and had a blast. The girls stayed at my sister's house while we were gone. I'd called Tom and asked him if it was ok and how much could I have. I asked for $30, he told me to take $50. (slots use a card, not coins or tokens) He then lectured me about if I get up to $100 to cash out and put half in my pocket and continue playing. I told him I KNEW how to do it! What I didn't tell him was knowing and doing are two separate things.

I'd only been down there once before and I pretty much stuck to my dad and watched him play the tables during that visit. So wasn't comfy there. My sister, cousin and I found the nickle Wheel of Fortune slots and lucked out as someone left shortly after we walked up. My cousin sat down and we stood watching her. Her first spin...she won $100!!!! The machine next to my cousin opened up and my sister jumped on. I stood watching. Finally my sister asked if I wanted to take over her machine and I jumped on. Within 3 spins I was $100 up. My sister was NOT happy and said she was charging me a $50 seat charge! LOL Did I do what Tom told me?!?! Of course NOT! First of all it hadn't been 10mins into playing, secondly if I got up...I woulda lost the machine! (there were only 5 in the whole place). So I sat there. Going up and down. Decided to take a break when my sister came back and I was getting close to my original $50. I told her we were even on the seat charge after she hit a few times as soon as she sat down.

We all pretty much decided to quit about the same time. Some of us because our cards were empty. Some of us because we could walk out with a few extra $$. I won't say which end I was on. There's talk of a daytime trip down there again. As we left I said...I am SO glad I don't live closer to this place then I do. I know I have the type of personality that could easily have a problem there! :o)

Saturday was mild out temperaturewise. I told my cousin I wouldn't be in, that I had to get some work done around the house. So I worked around the house and even got into my room some more! Michelle and the boys had planned on going in and seeing my cousin's oldest "A" (who is a few weeks younger then Michelle) for the night since A was leaving for home on Sunday. (has a job interview to go to). It didn't work out and Michelle had NO way of getting in there. So I took her, Liz and Carrie in. I was sooooo tired!

I had the girls grab a few garbage bags of laundry and throw it in the car. I'm so behind in it. First I put it off because of the heat and humidity. Then my dryer started acting up and I couldn't do it unless I was hanging it. I haven't been home long enough to get any loads on and off the that didn't work out. I stayed at my parents WAAAAAY to long, mostly because I was waiting for the laundry. We got home about 3ish. This is Deja Vu since my dryer wasn't working right before I had Danielle either. Looks like we'll be heading to the laundromat sometimes this week....I HAVE to wash baby clothes (or do it at my mom's I guess)

I've been dragging all day today. Although I did manage to get out the door and head over to church for the afternoon. I hadn't been in a few weeks and I really wanted to get there before the baby was born. Not sure if I'll be able to make the meeting and get to my mom's in time for the show next it was this week or none. I'd planned on taking Luke, Jake, Eileen and Olivia into my mom's for a visit today. BUT I knew I HAD to have a nap or I'd fall over. I also had to wait for Pat to get home from work with the car. He didn't get out until after 7pm and by then I felt it was too late. I called to tell everyone I wouldn't be in and found out most of them weren't there anyways...they went to my uncle's house for dinner. So we're home now. (and I had an opportunity to update here).

I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow. It's Eileen's 9th birthday so we'll definitely do something for that. She wants to go in and see my cousin. Pat has to work so if I want the car I have to drop him off by 10 and pick him up at 5, which isn't too bad. Just not sure if I want to do it or not. I should head to the store since we're out of milk and down to the last bit of TP. My mom is freaking out on me, insisting I STOP and take it easy, says my dad's worried about me pushing myself too hard. I don't think I am, it seems like this time of the year it's nonstop no matter what's going on. Oh well, one persons busy is another's vacation. ;o)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Times flying again

I can't believe I haven't been in here since Friday. Each day seems to fly by which I know can be a good thing in the last month of pregnancy. When you're not ready though, it's not so great. Seems like everything we did last week is getting undone already. It's been too hot and humid to really do too much so we've been taking it easy, and it's showing.

I had my sister's 3 girls (J, A, and E) here this last weekend. I couldn't give them the excitement that my sister did for my girls...but I think they had fun. Until my sister came to pick them up, then you'd have thought they spent the weekend on a deserted island. lol Amazing phenomenon.

Friday night Tom had a fire for the kids. He had the disco tunes cranked and most everyone was dancing (I was enjoying my rear in the lawn glider). They also got to do a ton of sparklers. BIL B loaded them up with snacks. They stayed up WAAAAAY too late. I heard little feet running down the hall at 2am and had to shooo the little girls back up into bed.

Saturday I mentioned that it was 07/07/07 which was a good reason for a party. The big girls decided that since Liz hadn't had a friend's birthday party they'd throw her one that day. They planned and cooked dinner, made a cake, picked flowers and laid out a tablecloth on the picnic table. Then they dressed up in prom dresses and played basketball. Liz was upset because she couldn't find the camera she just bought the week before (with birthday money). When the girls announced it was time to open presents she was surprised to receive....a almost new digital camera!!! LOL Mystery solved. Unfortunately the activities took a hit when at dinner it was decided that J was coming down with pink eye. By late night she looked and felt terrible. Luckily I had drops here from when we had it 2wks ago.

Sunday J woke up still not feeling so great but she didn't want her mom to come pick her I waited to call my sister. Some ibuprofen and claratin seemed to ease things up a bit. Most of the day the kids spent in and out of the pool. My sister came and picked up the girls around dinner time. They were all shot and looked like they needed a nap.

Monday was spent mostly trying to stay cool. Temps were in the mid 90s with really high humidity. SIL D and I headed out to the store since I was out of a lot of important things. Unfortunately before we could get to the store we broken down! D called AAA and then her son to come pick us up. Then M, one of the boys from church drove by in his truck with a few other kids. They pushed us off the busy road. I switched places with one of D's boys. Fortunately M didn't mind taking me to Walmart so I could at least get the essential things. Him and N even helped me unload the truck when we got to my house. :o) Heat and breathingwise was ok until dinner time, then I couldn't breathe in the house. I headed out the door to sit with Tom and BIL B. I was VERY thankful for the A/C unit in my bedroom when it came time for bed. I know I survived many a summers like this with other pregnancies. Still I do NOT want to have to think about dealing with the humidity and trying to sleep.

Tuesday I woke up with PINK EYE! Oh joy! The kids were fooling around saying I couldn't hold the new baby now. Carrie also woke up with poison ivy all over her face, hands, belly and legs. So into the peds we go. We didn't want to give her prednisone because it sends her sugar levels through the roof. So we opted for a prescription steriod cream and a back up of low dose prednisone if the cream didn't help enough (face was swelling as we sat there....hate when it heads for the eyes). My sister called and told me that J is almost over with pink eye but also has poison ivy. A and E had just gotten the pink eye but the drops I sent home were helping.

Today is Tom's birthday! Poor guy isn't getting too much of a party. We're considering having a cookout on the weekend though. Depends on how the house cleans up in the next few days. The little kids spent most of the morning making him cards. Eileen and Olivia just took a box up into their room and came down with "presents" for him. I'm sure he'll be tickled.

I was suppose to go into my mom's tonight. My cousin from Florida was suppose to land at 7pm and is staying at my parents' house for the next 10 days. We talk often on the phone, so most of the visit will be centered around spending time with me and my family. I told her she might even be able to be here when the baby is born! :o) I said SUPPOSE to go in bwecause now her flight has been delayed until 10:30pm tonight. So doesn't make sense for me to drive 45mins to visit for an hour or so. They'll probably be exhausted anyways. I won't be able to get into my mom's until tomorrow night.

Tommorrow is my 37wks dr appt! Luke and Jake are the guests for the event. If Dr B is there I assume we'll discuss when we'll be thinking of starting my induction. I hope he decides to do a sono so we can figure out position (I can't tell this time!) and approx weight. Plus I like to get peeks of my babies. I've missed my weekly BPP (biophysical profiles) like I had with Danielle's pg.

Today I got a little bit emotional. Again nothing specific, just a bunch of stuff like last week. Mostly that time is flying and I'm not as ready as I'd like to be (and normally am) by now. I keep trying to remind myself that no matter what, we'll survive. As long as the baby and I get through delivery fine (not that I anticipate we won't) is the only thing that matters in the end. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

Oh I never mentioned that my mom bought tickets for herself, my sister, a few aunts and me to see the musical Menopause. She went to see it on June 24th and loved it so much that she wants us to go. The tickets are for the show on the 22nd. I told her I couldn't promise that I could make it but I'd love to go. She says you start laughing from the first song and don't stop until the end. So now she wants me to tell DR B that he can't induce me until the 23rd. That I need to relax and have a good bellylaugh before this baby is born. She also assured me that she could find someone to take my place if I HAVE to miss it. :o) I found out later that a few of the women from church are thinking of going to see it also.

Well need to go start Tom's birthday dinner (whatever it's going to be... probably tacos) Will update Thurs or Fri night about my dr appt.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Out the door, nothing accomplished at home

Eileen, Olivia and I were out the door shortly after 10 for my OB appt (36wks). I wondered if they want to do cultures or not and they did. Eileen was SO embarrassed about the whole thing. Dr B was at the hospital so I was able to see the MW. :o) I think if Dr B had been there and done the cultures it would've been too much for Eileen to handle. lol My weight stayed the same from last week. My blood pressure as 122/80. I didn't bring my sugar numbers in because....I CAN'T find my glucometer since Tues night or Wed morning!!!! My backup meter is giving me really freaky numbers that can't be right. Since Dr B wasn't there we couldn't discuss whether I should be planning an induction in 2wks or not. Hmmmm maybe Dr B can be at the hospital EVERY week when I have appts and it'll never be planned. Then I'd can go on my own!!! (Hey a girl can dream!) Going back in in a week. We didn't schedule a sono like Dr B had mentioned the previous week, so not sure what'll happen with that. Would be nice to know the baby's position, approx size and whatnot.

I got the girls in to get throat cultures done. It's been bothering Eileen a lot since Tues. Olivia isn't complaining but talks like she has a sore throat. If I recall correctly the last time the girls spent the night at my sister's they came down with strep a few days later. I'm just hoping if it is strep that we can keep it contained to the girls and be done with it quickly. Do NOT want to welcome this little guy into a house of sick kids.

Our next stop was lunch. When I took the first group to my appt with me (oldest girls). I made the mistake of taking them out for chinese. So now each group wants to also go there. Poor me chinese buffet at least once a week. Would be nice if I didn't get so full so quickly. Oh well, it's not like we're doing a ton of stuff for summer vacation. So might as well treat them when we are out. I was happy since they buffet had lots of different veggie combos on it. It's nice when you've been looking forward to zucchini (not getting it from the garden yet) and find it all cooked up for you there. YUM!

We were tight for time because Pat needed the car for work. So we skimmed the Salvation Army thrift store quickly. I found 2 upholstered and chrome kitchen chairs for $12 which we really need!!! Trying to get them into the tiny Tercel was a joke and a half....especially in the rain! I can't describe how they ended up fitting but let's just say it was interesting. The girls were not amused, they thought I was going to crash having to drive with chair legs under my armpits. I also bought the girls some shirts and 4 sleepers...2 NB size terry ones (yellow and blue), 2 0-3mos or 3mos with ducks and the other striped.

By the time I finished wrestling chairs into the car we had 45mins in Walmart. I KNEW it wasn't enough time and I should've just went home. Thing is, I really wanted to get some containers so I could take care of my fabric. So we ran but not fast enough. For the baby I bought 2 blankets...a double layered cotton one, a cheap fleece one, a 6pk of newborn socks, a 3pk of sleepers, and a pair of 0-3mos soft shoes that were clearanced. I'm going to check through my things again and see about a jacket/sweater. It's the only thing I feel that's needed now. Although I'm pretty sure it'll be pretty warm out when he's born, so the blankets might be enough. It's not like I'm delivering in Nov without one. Plus he'll be swaddled for at least a week or so. Thinking about packing stuff for him I wondered what his going home outfit would be. I don't really have a special thing for him to wear like I have with the others. (poor 12th kid...neglected already!) Do you think his psyche will be messed up if I take him home in just a cute onsie and not a little man outfit? ;o)

So now we're suppose to be half way home and we're not even in the car yet. UGH! I hate running against the clock all the time! We get out into the parking lot and can't find the tiny Tercel. It's so much easier with my huge van! We meander through the parking lot a bit and Eileen is getting freaked out. She stomach doesn't feel good and I only get like this when I'm nervous. I'm trying to calm her and not blow up because after all Pat's waiting for us. Finally I figured out we went in the OTHER entrance and the car is on the opposite side of the lot. We then find it immediately. I load things in and take off as "legal" as possible. Needless to say we left Pat with not enough time. I think he was a few minutes late. I'm left feeling really bad until I realize...WAIT!!! It's not MY fault he got in the accident with our green car and doesn't have anything to drive!!!

The kids bring in what I bought. I kick a kid out of my computer chair and rip off my bra (it's really been bugging me lately!!!) I keep thinking about all that work I was going to do when I got home. It's not getting done for some reason. About an hour or so after I get home the phone's SIL D. She wants to know if I want to take my little kids (who aren't going to the youth meeting) to the County Fair with her and her little kids. Ride tickets are only $1 each. So I have the kids round up their cash/change, put my bra back on, get Danielle changed and we're out the door again...waiting for D to pick us up.

We had a good time. We got a lot of stares with 2 strollers and 10 kids walking around us...oldest being almost 12. (only 3 walking were mine lol) One guy yelled as we walked better be babysitting!!! LOL I let the kids go on 4 or 5 rides each...Jake lucked out and got to go on an extra I only spent $13. We were blessed with TWO different people giving us tickets as they were leaving...first one gave us 4, the 2nd one gave us 6. We did the same as it got dark. We were down to 2 tickets with little kids who were ready to head home. I hope the lady with the 2 little kids appreciated the gesture as much as we did when we were on the receiving end.

D dropped us off, the kids grabbed something to eat and headed to bed. I sat in my computer chair for a bit, realized my hips were killing me, grabbed Danielle and jumped into bed myself. Now I'm staring at all the work that I'd hoped to take care of yesterday. Oh well, not like my sister or her girls haven't seen my house messy. It's cleaner deep down but in spots looks worse then when she was here on Sunday (like a bunch of the litte girls things piled in the livingroom waiting to go up into their new bedroom and all the extra laundry that cleaning bedrooms seems to produce). So I guess I should stop staring at it, thinking about it and DO IT!!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

So WHY am I still here?

Today was a very productive day. My hips are aching and I'm exhausted. So why can't I seem to fall asleep? Maybe because I keep thinking of what else I want to get done. Or will get done. YEP I can now officially say I am nesting. Everywhere I look I see things that need to be done. Things that don't normally bother me are bugging me until I get up and get them done.

Today we.... washed walls, washed a few windows, took apart and changed bedrooms and various other jobs. The girls worked over 8hrs on switching rooms. I had to take apart of the beds and put them back together. The bunks were too much for me and left me in tears, feeling like I was going to barf. So Tom had to finish it. Liz did a LOT of the work....I felt so bad for her by 11pm...she looked like she was going to fall apart. I hope they're all happy now.

I did manage to work in my room for a TINY bit. Unfortunately it looks a lot messier then when I started. We're taking out a hutch and putting in dressers so unloading the hutch has left me with a few more piles that need to be dealt with. I'm hoping we can finish it up tomorrow. I'd really like to get the dressers out of my livingroom!!! I have an appt at the OB's tomorrow so can't work until late afternoon. I just hope I'm not too tired from running around to get at it.

I also need to work on the everyday work which has been slightly ignored. Only a few loads of clothes have gone in (and my hallway is PACKED with waiting laundry) and my kitchen hasn't been touched much. Although the table has been picked up throughout the day. Hey! I did manage to clean a toilet while Danielle was in the tub! :o) Now if only I can get some tub cleaner and scrub that out! lol

I'm looking around the house and trying to figure out if it looks any better then when my sister was here on Sunday. I can't say that it does on the surface just yet. She'll be back here on Friday morning/afternoon to drop off her girls for the weekend. I'm HOPING there's a significant difference by then!!!!

My brother stopped by today to drop off some wood he wanted to get rid of (we'll burn it at a bonfire) Him and the kids had to step over shoes to get in the livingroom. He says to the kids...just step over everything, this is typical. HELLLLLO!?!?! Yes! I always have huge totes of barbies, dollhouse, kitchen play things taking up my livingroom. Oh don't mind the 2 huge plastic dressers in your way...that's always there. We're tearing the place apart and rearranging you ding dong!!!!

He's one that always makes little comments about how easy pregnancy is for me compared to others. That so and so wasn't meant to be birthing kids like Kim and such. It drives me crazy even though Tom tries to point out that they are meant as compliments. OK, maybe they are but I KNOW he'd be the first one to say...well what do you expect? It's your fault for having so many kids....If I complained about how hard pg was for me. Or how hard my day in general was. He was really surprised when he was leaving and he asked me...What's the matter? I said oh nothing...I'm just really pregnant. I don't think it ever occurs to him that I might be in pain, uncomfy and whatnot.'s almost 4am and I really need to get into bed. Have to be out the door by 10am tomorrow. Eileen and Olivia are the tagalongs for the day. Next week is Jake and Luke. Eileen keeps asking if we'll find out what day I'll have the baby at this appt. She really wants to hear it'll be on her birthday. I keep telling them they are SO spoiled! Most people have no idea which week, much less which day they'll have their baby. They expect it all to be planned.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Now that the pity party is over

OK so I wallowed in some self pity for a few days. Monday was a so so day I realized that I hadn't even thought about packing a hospital bag or what I'd need once I was home from the hospital. Val had a dr appt that day and we were planning on going I did! I'm now stocked in wipes, sanitary and nursing pads. (had bought a pk of newborn diapers a few weeks ago...they are SO tiny!!!) We looked at nightgowns. I decided it was silly to get one if I'm only going to be in the hospital for 24hrs like after Danielle. BUT I told Michelle, if for some reason (c-section or whatever) I'm in longer...MAKE dad stop and buy me THIS gown! LOL I also bought 3 preemie sized sleeveless rompers. I was a bit reluctant since I have NO idea how big this guy is. But it should fit him for at least the first week. There's nothing sadder then a baby in baggy clothes. ;o)

Yesterday it finally hit me, either I get up and do things or shut up about it! I sorted the basket of baby boy clothes I had. Seems I don't have as many newborn things I thought I did. But I'm still good. Most of it was 6-9mo stuff. I'll resort after I wash everything and reassess what I think I need. I also know that SIL D has some things for me already. Main thing I can think of is a lightweight general blanket and some socks.

Then I hit my room. I've managed to thoroughly clean parts of my room here and there. But I can't remember the last time I gave my room a DEEP cleaning. It's probably before Eileen was born and she'll be 9 soon. It doesn't help that my room is the room where everything no one knows what to do with goes, outgrown clothes intended to be given away and such. At first I just moved things around quite a bit (very inefficient, I know). Then it got down to the nitty gritty and we started throwing things away. (Michelle came in and worked with me) I'm ashamed to admit we took out 6 30gal size trash bags of STUFF. My overflowing baskets of laundry are now HUGE mounds of it. Before going to bed I felt depression start welling up again. With 5+ hrs of work my room still looks like it needs to be picked up. Tom told me that was silly, that I did a LOT of work and should be proud of what we've accomplished. He's right. If only I could figure out how to neatly store all my fabric. It's the biggest mess maker in my room and closet right now. I'm hoping to get in there and finish up today.

Last night in chat someone mentioned me nesting. I said I didn't think I was, or if I was it was a forced one. Either way I've noticed I'm motivated! I'm seeing things I want to get done and am actually planning on doing. (washing windows and walls, cleaning cupboards, reorganizing closets, picking and putting up the cherries on our tree, painting...which I know I'll never get to) Maybe I am nesting. Whatever you call it, I hope it sticks around for a while!

Today is my uncle's big 4th of July party. Everyone is bummed here that we can't go. Our van isn't legal right now. Seems because we bought it from Kentucky and it was salvaged we have to jump through some redtape to get it reregistered. So it's been "off the road" since June 10th. We're (Tom, Pat and I) sharing a tiny Toyota Tercel right now. Gets great gas mileage, especially compared to the van. But I can only take 3 or 4 other people with me. We're managing but it's a huge pain when all anyone wants to do is go and do things for summer vacation. (It's a 2 door and is going to be hard with the new baby and an infant seat) Hopefully things will be straightened out soon and I can have my people mover back.

OK...all this talk about getting and keeping motivated is great. Now to act on it. Tom's up. He was sleeping in after having to go into work at 2am last night. So I can get in my bedroom now. I think it's catching on here. Seems the girls are devising a room change. The only problem is going to be trying to move the huge bunkbed downstairs. I think they can handle the rest.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Is this thing on?

Testing...1...2...3. Hellllloooooo? Where is everyone!?! The birds are up and singing, so why isn't everyone else? LOL Yep, I'm wide awake and bored out of my skull, so excuse my goofiness. I've been awake since about 2:30 or so, laid in bed for an hour and couldn't take it anymore. So here I am!

Laying in bed I got to all my hormonal, poor me, funk. I never talked about what the baby was doing most of the afternoon while I was on edge. He was rolling, kicking, squirming and poking. A lot of it was deep inside but it was all over. There were times when my belly would just be rolling and rolling. I almost said something to Tom on our drive to his friend's house, but greedy me kept it to myself. Of course now the little guy has slowed down and I'm left he ok? Why was he so active before and is quiet now? When was the last time he moved? Luckily he usually obliges me and lets me know things are still ok in there. :o)

Sometimes being a mature, experienced pg lady has it's drawbacks. Like knowing that everything isn't a given. I've had miscarriages...I know getting pg and staying pg isn't always guaranteed. I've had 4 people I know personally who have had babies born at 26wks, the rest between 38-42wks. I know someone who's youngest has cerebral palsy. So even though my amnio said there's no problems...I know I'm not in the clear. And of course there's Carrie, who proves that even though things are perfect and the baby's perfect. Things can change at a moments notice...but that can happen with any of my kids. Oh to be in my 20s when being pg wasn't too much of a blip on the radar, had my babies "worryfree", expected to be pg again within a year or so and that was that. Then again, maybe I prefer this's makes them all so much more special...the miracle that they are. Something to REALLY be appreciated. (don't get me wrong...I still loved, felt blessed and appreciated my babies when I was younger...just in a different way)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Stuck in a hormonal funk

Today is one of those pregnant days I hate. When hormones are running high and someone saying hi brings on the tears. I cried for almost the whole day and still feel on the verge of it. Of course Tom was concerned and kept asking me what was wrong. He doesn't get that it's a lot of everything and a bunch of nothing.

Tom and I drove over to his friend's house to pick up our van. Getting out of the house did me good but I still cried the entire 30mins to the house. I tried to explain to Tom that I'm frustrated at how little I can accomplish around here. That my body won't cooperate. That everyone has been so busy that I haven't had too much help. That I'm NOT READY for this little one and time is bearing down on me. I don't even know what I have or don't have for him (have a basket that I've been throwing things that I buy in...have to wash it and go through it still). My plan for the last 2wks was to get my room cleaned this weekend. I didn't even manage to get in there yet! It doesn't help that Tom tends to report all that he's done around the yard. And what he'll be doing next. I know it's just his line of conversation but grrrrr....frustrated lady here who would LOVE to be able to do whatever work she wanted...when she wanted!!!!

This morning reading my pregnancy board had me on edge and brought on the first round of tears. A woman just had a homebirth and there was lots of talk about the difference between pitocin contractions, natural ones and the ones she (and others) have experienced at their homebirth. Labor is NOT something I'm looking forward to. I'm not scared of it but still.... I'd love to have the option of going naturally. I always "threaten" to run away and hide in a cave until labor starts. Reading their experiences makes it seem so easy. I KNOW pitocin contraxs are brutal. I KNOW that what I'm experiencing would and could probably be better/easier if I didn't have to use it. Then there's the uncertainty of whether the baby will do well being born early. To me, who's natural deliveries happened 12-17days overdue....38wks is EARLY! Granted I've done it twice already and everything was fine. LOTS of ladies have their babies that soon. It's still in the back of my mind. I anxious for nothing. I'm trying really I am. At least I'm not sitting here in a puddle of tears anymore. :o)

Well hopefully tomorrow will be an all around better day. Val has a dr appt so I'm not expecting to get too much work done. There is a bit of work to do though if the kids expect their cousins to spend the weekend. (my sister's 3 girls). Danielle is cuddling into my shoulder wanting to go to bed. So that's what we'll do. Maybe I'll even get some more reading in before my eyes close (read a couple chapters last night like I wanted to!)