Monday, February 16, 2009

A new post up over at Mega Moms

I haven't really said anything about the Octuplets being born and all the rhetoric toward large families that's been created by it. But I finally decided it was time after I learned Tom's been getting some stuff at work. Now it's personal I said it in the article and I'll say it again. The lack of support I've seen in the large family community really has surprised and saddened me. Personally I'm not so gungho over IVF and such There's too many moral dilemmas that can play into it for my liking, plus I believe in God led fertility...whether that means you have 20 kids or no kids. (And I acknowledge my stance might be different if I was on the other end of this). Still, who am I to sit here and judge. No one is judging anyone else about how they came to have their large family. Whether every decision was a wise one, worthy of support or not. I think in media circuses like this people forget...the media doesn't always get it right. And it's usually not the whole story. Me, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt....she was doing what she felt was the best for her situation. And for that, she deserves support and understanding, especially from those of us who understand a little of what she's going through and has to put up with.


Paula J. Norcott said...

Thank You! Saddened is just how I feel. There has been a sort of comment war going on at It was honestly the last group of people I expected this from. As I have pointed out so many times these past few weeks. They are no longer "bad decisions" they are children.

Gretchen said...

I agree with you. I don't necessarily believe all that the media puts out, nor do I think that they tell us everything. They have an agenda and slant the stories that way. My sister thinks this woman is horrible, but I'm with you; I don't think she set out to have 8 babies on purpose. Sure I think her priorities are messed up and she sure made choices I wouldn't have; but it's her life. Someone posted a comment elsewhere that says it all for me: I hope one of those 8 babies grows up to find the cure for cancer. Who's to say who deserves to live and who doesn't, and that they automatically will have an awful life just because there's 14 kids in that house. Because we all know, there sure aren't any kids from 1- or 2-kid families that are abused or miserable, right? yeah.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you! It's disgusting how the media has portrayed this woman, and they are meanest when they start talking about how many children she has.

Truth said...

I too have been shocked and dismayed at tok moms who are so critical.