Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Patrick's birth story

I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to get out Pat's birth story. It was my easiest delivery ever. Sorry Pat!

Patrick James
December 1, 1985
6lbs 7oz

I found myself pregnant for the 2nd time when Drew was 10mos old. I saw the old school OB again so there wasn't much testing or extra monitoring. Although I did learn that not only was I Rh negative. I was also Du negative. I'm assuming Du is another antigen. It's never given me problems (don't know if it can) and I've never heard anyone else ever mention it after this dr.

My due date came and went just like it did with Drew's. And it went and it went. I was a classic kid after they move out of the house....constantly at my parents' house. We were a permanent fixture and often stayed way too late there playing Risk and Triple Yahtzee.

On the night of being 11 days overdue I started fidgeting during a game of Yahtzee. My mom asked what was wrong and I said I was uncomfortable. After the game we moved to the livingroom and I lounged on the couch watching tv. Shortly after settling down I asked my mom what time it was....her reply....10:35. OK, thanks. Then I asked time is it? Her reply...10:42. Ok, thanks. Then I asked a third time...what time is it now? She replied...10:49...KIM! Are you in labor!?!? I told her I wasn't sure. I felt off at those times but it wasn't hurting like it did with Drew (had back labor with him).

We decided to get things ready incase I was in labor. I took Drew upstairs into my old room and put him to bed in the crib. Not an easy feat, he hated to go to bed and fought me tooth and nail. I remember sitting there crying, worried he wouldn't go to sleep before I had to leave. He finally zonked out and I went back down into the livingroom.

Tom went upstairs into the other bedroom to try and take a nap. I was all alone in the livingroom. I tried to doze off too but it wasn't happening. The longer I was alone the more I was thinking we should probably leave. It was shortly after midnight and I decided to call the doctor's answering service. He told me to head to L&D. Tom was pretty groggy when I woke him up since he had just fallen asleep. I told my parents we were leaving and out the door we went.

It's about a 15min ride to the hospital from my parents' house. I didn't feel a contraction the whole ride and I was sure they were going to send me home. Sitting through admitting without any twinges or aches cemented it even more in my mind....false alarm. We finally finished all the paper work and I was taken to my room. I changed into a gown and was hooked up to the monitors. The nurse said...WOW! I thought we were going to be sending you home but there's not a chance of that. All I had to do was look at the monitor to know why she said contractions were coming every 2.5 to 3 mins. I admitted to her that I thought I'd be going home too. They did all routine things....IV and shave. Luckily I was spared an enema.

It was 1:30 by the time my OB came. He checked me and said I was 3cm with a bulging bag. He broke my water and the contractions picked up quite a bit in intensity. I still had a fairly easy time dealing with them. Then transition hit and I had to push. Then I had to wait while they wheeled me down to the delivery room. Then I had to move onto the delivery table. The whole time really uncomfortable and wanting to push. Finally things were set and I was told I could push. 3 pushes later I heard my baby cry and was told it was another boy.

Tom cut the cord and the nurse brought him to me so I could see him. I was staring at a screaming wrinkled miniture old man. He was long and really skinny. We had decided if it was a boy he would be named after 2 of his uncles (both of their middle names). I heard Tom say Hello Patrick James! Happy Birthday! I'm your dad! Then he sang Pat his ABC's. (he's done it for all the kids)

Recovery went ok until my blood pressure started going up the day after delivery. I was put on bedrest and phenobarbital. It started to return to normal in a few days and I was discharged 5 days after delivery.

I spent a few days at my parents' house with the 2 boys while Tom worked. Then we went home to our mobile home. Tom spent the following week home with me. The night before Tom was due back to work I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. I was crying hysterically saying... I can't do this! I can't watch Drew and take care of Pat at the same time! How am I going to do this? Tom almost didn't go back to work but he really had no choice. Neither did I...I did it and survived and actually enjoyed it!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Great story! Ours must all be very close in age. Our #2 was born 12/31/85. What about your others? Our oldest was born 10/23/83 and our youngest was born 07/27/07.