Thursday, April 02, 2009

Maybe this time I'll manage to finish a post...

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. It's much appreciated! The day ended up being very low key. While I was busy all day it wasn't a hectic busy. Funny how Sunday seems to be one of the days I'm the busiest, isn't it suppose to be a day of rest? Emotionally things calmed down a bit too. It only took a good hard cry on Tom's shoulder and a relaxing shower to get them under control.

I picked up Michelle from work and we ran through BJ's to grab a few of the things whose coupons were about to expire. When we got home we found Drew, Allison and Pat had arrived. Drew and Allison brought dinner...chicken drumsticks and sweet Italian sausage to throw into the oven. I made a huge box of potato buds to go with them. My chocolate cake Tom and the kids made was moist and yummy...especially with chocolate frosting. Michelle had bought me a small Lemon blossom cream cheese cake which was also very yummy.

I'm not sure exactly what kept me busy all week long but I did. I've been wanting to get at my crocheting and can't seem to find the time. Before I know it my eyes are too tired to do it and it's time to go to bed. Although last night I did manage to get a shower and sit by myself for about 20mins with it. Then Sean woke up and I headed into bed. I'm itching to pick it up today but it's so beautiful out that I HAVE to get outside!!!

Tom and I have decided that we'll be going away in a few weeks. Unfortunately it means I'll be missing a major feast at church but there really isn't any other time to do it in the next 2 months. After that it's gardening time and Tom won't be able to relax knowing he could/should be working on the garden. I don't want to wait for months before we get away anyways!!!! Now to decide where we're going and find a place to go to. lol

The kids are getting excited. Next Thursday is Grandparent/Special friend's day at school and then SPRING BREAK!! I always love when these days come around becuase it means the wind down to school, even if it's still 2mos away. I'm not so excited to see it come because it means that Liz will be going away for a year. Not that I don't want her to go...I do...very much. It's that I know how much we'll miss her, especially Danielle. We're already starting to have to adjust. At the dentist last week I had to take her off the schedule for the fall cleaning because she wasn't going to be here. I also had to ask for an extra tube of the extra flouride toothpaste we buy from them so Liz could take one to Norway with her. I got her yesterday after getting the mail. I ran into the house announcing her visa arrived. She was skeptical because we'd been yelling April Fool's to each other all afternoon. Still she couldn't help but be excited and hopeful that I was telling the truth. She was not happy that it was a joke.

Danielle got Carrie when she walked in the door yesterday. Danielle ran up to her and said...I peed in you bed! Carrie was livid before she realized we were all laughing and that it had to be a joke. She still had to run upstairs to check and make sure.

We've had a few sick kids here. Jake came down with a cold and was feeling pretty icky due to it and missed school yesterday. Eileen complained of her belly hurting and stayed home yesterday too. Olivia had a low grade fever, sore throat and her body ached. I wasn't sure if she was getting the flu or maybe strep. She seems to be feeling a lot better so I'm thinking neither. She's missed 3 days of school this week, hopefully she'll go tomorrow. Sean seems to be on and off stuffy but nothing major. Hopefully it stays that way.

Well, it's about time to head out the door and take Michelle to work. I'm hitting publish before time runs out and I end up with yet another draft that never gets put out there.

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