Friday, March 13, 2009

Liz's look at Tuesday

I downloaded Liz's camera this morning and uploaded some pictures to photobucket. It's interesting to see her take of the day. I was thinking the pictures would look a bit different if I had the camera in my hand. Neither is right or wrong, just different perspectives.

She took some pictures of some pictures....

Uncle Billy giving the girls a "hay ride" while the boys ride their bikes. Pat is on the bike in the middle of the picture, Drew is further back. The girls in the wagon from left to right are...Val, Michelle and Liz. Judging by the ages of the kids I'm thinking this is from the summer of '94. (click to see it larger)


Billy's wrestling picture '77


My niece Micheala, great-niece Sophia and Carrie

Left side back to front...Janna (Val's bestfriend), Kat (Janna's sister and Michelle's friend), Carrie
Right side back to front...Michelle, Val, John

Danielle loving on my niece Charlotte whether she likes it or not lol

Sean being lugged around by my nephew Pete

Eileen and my niece Kathryn

Nephew Joe, Luke and Sean, nephew Sam

Jake and great-nephew Argon

And just because she's niece Camille

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