Started this on 2/24 after posting my Island week pictures.
I was previewing the last post and Sean did something on the keyboard to publish it. So I guess I was done and just didn't know it. LOL
Anyways, so we're back to the same old. And I'm dreading it every morning. I hate having to wake the kids up and make them get out of their warm beds. I hate having to decide if they're well enough to go to school. I hate having to push them out the door into the freezing cold snow. I hate them being gone all day and that they are tortured every afternoon with an hour bus ride home.
As usual the idea of homeschooling is always a thought in the back of my head. Until now though things have been to the benefit of our small country public school. Now though I've heard rumors that a certain person, whom I never thought would agree to homeschooling, is wanting to do it. So the thought has moved to the front. Problem is, I still have the same doubts I've always had about myself. I'm a procrastinator, my follow through sucks, and I'm LAZY! Lots to consider.
Liz had a safe and exciting trip to New Mexico. She didn't want to come home! I don't really blame her but I was a bit bruised when I heard she had that attitude. Someone recently told her, once you leave home, I don't see you moving back, and they may be right. She has so many opportunities open for her. Right now she's trying to get her visa papers in so she can go to Norway after graduation, she'll be staying for a year.
And now a week later...
Liz has settled back in, Carrie got home safely from Ottawa and we survived the week of school with another one on the horizon. Liz and Carrie were out the door on Friday again, this time it was a roadtrip to Connecticut. Lucky ducks! I want to do a roadtrip!
I've been crocheting. Learning new stitches, and starting a few projects. I finished a fairly decent shell blanket. I'm thinking I want to put a border on it but not sure which one or what colors to use. I did a hat in basketweave that gave me fits at first. It kept looking weird and I'd tear the weave part out and restart...FOUR TIMES! It finally took reading the pattern to realize my mistake (was using a youtube video/tutorial on it before that). I finally managed to finish's big. Too big but not grossly so, it just doesn't fit snuggly like it should. It took me starting another project to realize why. I used the wrong crochet hook! I thought I was using my grey I hook and I was using my K hook. I didn't even realize I had a K hook! The I hook is polished grey, the K hook is "brushed" grey. So now I'm trying it again, this time with the correct needle. I also started a shell stitch hat that I'm almost done with.
Saturday I decided I was going to get the projects from Christmas done. I have 4 no sew blankets to do and Pat's apron to finish. So I cleaned up the kitchen, washed the floor (planned on laying out the blankets there to cut the fringe), grabbed my new cutting mat (can't find my old one) and went to get the new rotary cutter out of my sewing cabinet wasn't in there!!! WHERE IS IT!?!?! It was brand new, still in the package. It was RIGHT HERE! I put it RIGHT HERE so I'd know where it was when I needed it! UGH! No one seems to know where it disappeared to. These blankets will never get finished! Oh course I didn't bother getting my sewing machine out and finishing Pat's apron either. It'll only take an hour tops, once I start going on it again. Not sure why I didn't just switch gears, but I didn't.
Our septic has been slow to drain lately. It was in threat mode, mostly the washing machine was too much for it and it'd back up into the utility sinks and slowly drain. Friday it decided it'd had enough of the threatening and moved right into attack mode. The girls were taking showers and washing laundry...getting ready for their trip to Connecticut. They came up out of the basement after switching over their clothes to tell me the sinks were overflowing. They eventually went down but it put an end to any major water use for a few days. Tom dug up the septic yesterday, found the source of the sluggishness and fixed it...I hope. At least this morning's first load of laundry seems to be draining normally so far.
To end this post (because it is getting long) on a happy note. It was announced last week that THREE of my neices are expecting...all around the same time! I'm so excited. One of them was told they'd never conceive children naturally. This is so GREAT! I admit I'm a bit jealous. I want grandbabies!! I'd like them in the proper order though (marriage first) so I guess I can be patient and wait.
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