Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I NEED coffee!!!

Sean and I spent another night on the couch. Not a good place to sleep even under the best of conditions. Add a burning up 2yo and a mom who's on the alert to possible barfing and you have one fuzzy headed, sleepy eyed mommy. Sean on the other hand is a lot more animated today. I actually had the opportunity to make oatmeal and eat it solo.

One of the times I woke up was at 5. I debated on whether I wanted to try to get into bed for an hour or so. Figured it would be best to stay put then Sean made the decision for me. He was up, gabbing and totally animated. No way I could go into the bedroom with him now, he'd wake up we stayed put and eventually fell back to sleep. Next thing I know it's 7:00!!!! The bus would be here in 25 minutes! The kids should've been up half an hour ago. To add to things Michelle also needed to use the bathroom since she had to be out the door at 8. I hate when the mornings start like that!

Luke and Jake eased things a bit by not feeling well and staying home. Carrie and Eileen made it out the door....Carrie with her medicine in hand (she's doing awesome with it btw!), Eileen with her permission slip and $5 to go on a bowling field trip. Olivia up and ready, opted to go with me and get dropped off at school instead of waiting for the bus at home with an awake Jake. Danielle was still sleeping when we left but awake with Jake when we got home. Luke and Val are still sleeping, yes, Val is here again.

I don't have the gumption to get anything done...including crocheting. I'm fuzzy headed with a slight ache. Whether I'm getting sick or just tired, I have no idea. My main goal is to sneak into the shower by myself and then maybe a nap before I pick up Michelle at 4. I guess getting this house appraisal ready by my birthday isn't going to happen. :o(

Well need to go get some ibuprofen in me and make another cup of coffee. It seems Sean decided my last cup of coffee needed to be cleaned, so he put a wipe in it while I was getting their clothes out. If anyone has some dynamite they can spare, I could use a few sticks under this chair! Where's the cleaning fairy when you need her?

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