Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I'm still here!

Sorry!! My keyboard survived the spill and I didn't need to buy a new one. Thanks to everyone who offered to get me a new one this week. I appreciate it. :o)

You'd think with having gotten a weekend away by myself I'd come back all refreshed and raring to go. I find the opposite usually happens to me though. After being away and getting to concentrate on only myself, I have a hard time going back to the TOK mom mentality. I've been fried! Monday everyone's action kept getting to me...the bickering and did I put up with it before!?!?! LOL I'm happy to say I'm back to my tolerant self (I think)

Even though the house was kept up, things still weren't done that probably should have been. So I was also playing catch-up. I guess you could also say I was raring to go, just not online. We've been digging out closets and getting loads of laundry done. I did at least 7 loads yesterday alone, today the machine has already been going for a few hours. Was going to hang bedding outside after I get this done but now I see the sky to the west is pretty dark. Looks like I won't be doing anymore bedding for a while.

It's been raining a LOT here. Tom had to go into work at 11pm on Sunday (had only been sleeping 1.5hrs when they called) and 11pm on Monday (not having gone to bed yet) Poor guy was exhausted when he got home last night. He went to bed about 6:30 last night and slept through till this morning. He must have been exhausted....he didn't come out and complain about anyone stomping down the hall or banging around the house all evening. LOL

My weekend was boring and relaxing. We went to the craft show on Saturday morning for a few hours. I didn't see too much that I hadn't seen before, although a clock made out of a gift bag (sits on a shelf/table) was original and pretty cool. I might try a few of those for my December show. We visited my Great Aunt and Uncle whose trailer is a few spots down from my grandmother. I hadn't seen them in a while and it was a nice visit. We had goulash for dinner Saturday night (family joke...grandmother ALWAYS makes it when she has company). I LOVE it and totally enjoyed it. Even had it cold for lunch and brought the leftovers home. It lasted about 1 minute once it was discovered. I didn't get any at home :o( I came home with battle wound though. I smashed the bridge of my nose/eye brow on an open jalousie window. I thought I took a huge hunk out of my nose and would have a black eye. Luckily it didn't need stitches, it didn't even bruise up. (but it's still a little swollen and sore)

Michelle's poison ivy on her face is almost gone. Unfortunately it's spread to her lower body now and she's still dealing with it. At least most of it is hidden by her clothes.

My dad came out yesterday and brought me a bunch of plants and bulbs that need to be planted. I hope I can plant them this weekend. I'd do it now but need to get some grocery and sneaker shopping done today. I also want to finish getting a handle on things now that I'm on a roll. I would like to have it done by Sunday so I can assure my dad at the annual family clambake that they are taken care of. He hates when he gives me plants and I don't do anything with them...allowing them to die. I don't blame him.

Drew and Pat went to orientation at the community college yesterday. Today's their first day of classes. I think Pat will be home by 11:30...lucky duck! Of course he had to be at school by 8. So there's a not so great side to that schedule. Val had freshman orientation at the high school last night also. Since Michelle is a senior she went too and show her around. They're growing up so FAST! *sniff* *sniff*

OK...I've decided to start holding myself accountable for what gets done around here. Today's TODO list....

Dishes...finish clearing out the sink and counters!!!
Laundry....get everything upstairs taken care of, wash some bedding, start working on stuff in basement...get whites separated and put away (socks and underwear)
Groceries...get lots of yummy food with as little money as possible
School shopping...get at least Michelle's and Carrie's sneaks bought
Hallway...finish taking care of fabric and clothes(goes with laundry)
Finish cleaning out hall closet
Food...prepare what I can of what I purchase. Make a loose but definite menu.

What would make my day to get done....get kids clothes organized, out of baskets and into dressers! Get some sewing done!

Ok...nothing on that list will do itself (unfortunately) so I have to get out of my chair! Where's my whip? ;o)

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