Saturday, January 08, 2005


I'm not feeling sick but feeling blah. I don't really want to eat but am trying to make sure I eat nonetheless. My fasting was still too high at 124. I ended up munching out of the spaghetti pot last night before bed, though only a few forkfuls. I missed my breakfast numbers because I went back to bed after eating.

I never went to Walmart today, it was snowing too badly. Unfortunately I had to drive in it anyways...Val had volleyball practice this AM. I don't know why I'm complaining about it. We've had hardly any snow this year. Last year we had over 78" by this time and most of it was still on the ground.

Michelle was pretty motivated today and put a huge dent in the work around here. It's amazing what they can do with the right incentive. LOL Now if I could just find the right carrot to dangle everytime I wanted something done. ;o)

Now to go find something to fix for dinner. UGH!

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