Saturday, January 29, 2005

Trying to collect my thoughts enough to make sense

I'm 8wks today and still getting my butt kicked by this baby. It also doesn't help that I caught everyone's cold on Wednesday. Trying to keep my eyes open is quite a feat. Today I dozed/slept from 9:30am when the second trip kids left (they had an hour delay due to the frigid temps) until 1:30pm. It helped that Carrie was home and played with Olivia the whole time. Luckily they behaved. LOL

My sugars are still staying at just a smidge too high level. Today my fasting wasn't bad but the rest of the day the stunk! With this cold I can't really taste anything and don't want to eat. Problem is, what I do want to eat are CARBS!!! Soda for my parched throat, comfort foods like pasta, frenchfries, baked goods like cookies, cinnamon rolls and of course there's always BREAD! For the most part I've been good about it. It's hard though seeing as that stuff is in the house for everyone else.

I had to cancel my OB appt on Thursday due below zero temps, not having a working vehicle and the kids having a 2hr delay (they were still home when it was my appt time). I was suppose to get a ride to D's house and she was going to take me to the dr when she got some bloodwork done. She wasn't comfy taking all her little ones out in the extreme cold even if there was no we canceled. When I canceled my appt I gave the secretary my numbers for the at least the dr got to see what he wanted me there for. I'd like to know where my weight has gone this last week.

Why don't I have a working car??? Seems that when Pat stopped to get gas in the car on the way to his first day of wouldn't restart at the gas station. He called Drew to come and help him....then called back saying he got it going and don't bother. Five minutes later he called saying..come help me!! I stalled at the Drew was out the door. Seems a police officer came by and helped Pat push the car into a parking lot nearby. It needs a bit of work...the serpentine belt had come off and one of the pulleys/wheels is stripped. Hopefully this weekend Tom and his friend J will get a chance to work on it.

If I don't get the car fixed I'll have to cancel my appt on Monday with the nutritionist. I wish that type of appt could be done over the phone and internet. At least I can let her see my food journal online.

Michelle learned today..she passed Economics!!! Woohooo! It's a half year course and required for graduation. Until this last week it was touch and go. Seems she did well enough on her final and the last marking period to let her squeak by. She did have a slot in her schedule to fit it in again...but not having to retake it is MUCH better! ;o)

I have more to say but I need to get to bed. Hopefully I can find the energy to post more in the morning.

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