Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sunday....Apple picking

I took Sean and Danielle to the meeting for the first time in a looong time. Because it had been so long I had to reteach Danielle how to act during a meeting (staying next to me, playing quietly, whispering if she needed to say anything). Sean is at the prime age that is difficult to have at the meetings, so I was wrestling with him quite a bit. It'll get easier the more I go...just need to stick with it.

Shortly after we got home Pat and Alex pulled in the driveway. They'd gone to my sister's house and picked up the 4 girls and brought them home. It was time to go apple picking! Liz had mentioned taking Sean and I blew her off saying he didn't need to go. Thinking about it more though I decided it would be nice if he went. As they climbed into the van I yelled to Pat....can you take Sean and he agreed!

Drew got home from work in time to go so Pat picked him and Allison up. I guess they also picked up Cory (Michelle's boyfriend) on the way through the 15 kids with no parents. Weatherwise it was a perfect day to go!

Tom had no clue that I had shipped Sean off because he was taking a nap. That is until I came into the bedroom and announced we were TOTALLY alone! (first time that's happened in probably 1.5yrs!) I think we were having "fun" before they even pulled out of the driveway. LOL

After we cuddled and snoozed I announced we had to get up and get on with our was rooster butchering time! Tom offed the roosters while I plucked and cleaned them. I still haven't decided which one of us has the worst job. We managed to take care of 6 of them before night overtook us. We finished just in time because the van pulled into the driveway as I was washing off the last one. I couldn't imagine doing that icky job with Sean underfoot!

Everyone was starving when the came in. I made a huge pot of broccoli soup. You can tell I haven't made the soup in a while because everyone was excited about it. It's one of my quick meals during the winter and they can get bored with it, but not now. Now it was a yummy feast!

The whole group
back row... Luke, Cory, Michelle, Val
middle row... Pat, Liz holding Sean, Carrie, Alex holding Danielle, Allison, Drew
front row... Jake, Eileen, Olivia
(click on it to see a larger version)

Who needs a ladder when you have a Lukey?

Pat being bad...climbing in the tree

Sean says...This day gets a thumbs up!

Danielle says...Is this how you do it?

Val, Allison and Michelle

Olivia, Alex, Danielle and Eileen

Carrie and Olivia

Pat! King of the apples!!!


Lisa said...

They are gorgeous. I need to talk Em into taking them all out, then Phil and I could, well you know, LOL

Kim said...

Thanks Lisa, I think they're pretty gorgeous too. I hope you can talk Em into taking her sibs out for the day. But I didn't know you and Phil had roosters to butcher too!! ;o)